What Stage of Cervical Cancer Causes Continual Discharge

Stage I cervical cancer

In stage I, cervical cancer has formed and is found in the cervix only. It is divided into stages IA and IB, based on the size of the tumor and the deepest point of tumor invasion.

Stage IA is subdivided based on the deepest point of tumor invasion.

EnlargeStage IA1 and IA2 cervical cancer; drawing shows a cross-section of the cervix and vagina. An inset shows cancer cells in the cervix that can only be seen under a microscope. The cancer in stage IA1 is not more than 3 mm deep. The cancer in stage IA2 is more than 3 but not more than 5 mm deep.
Stage IA1 and IA2 cervical cancer. A very small amount of cancer that can only be seen under a microscope is found in the tissues of the cervix. In stage IA1, the cancer is not more than 3 millimeters deep. In stage IA2, the cancer is more than 3 but not more than 5 millimeters deep.
  • Stage IA1: A very small amount of cancer that can only be seen with a microscope is found in the tissues of the cervix. The deepest point of tumor invasion is 3 millimeters or less.
  • Stage IA2: A very small amount of cancer that can only be seen with a microscope is found in the tissues of the cervix. The deepest point of tumor invasion is more than 3 millimeters but not more than 5 millimeters.
    EnlargeMillimeters; drawing shows millimeters (mm) using everyday objects. A sharp pencil point shows 1 mm, a new crayon point shows 2 mm, and a new pencil-top eraser shows 5 mm.
    Millimeters (mm). A sharp pencil point is about 1 mm, a new crayon point is about 2 mm, and a new pencil eraser is about 5 mm.

Stage IB is subdivided based on the size of the tumor and the deepest point of tumor invasion.

Learn about treatment of stage I cervical cancer.

Learn about treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy.

Stage II cervical cancer

In stage II, cervical cancer has spread to the upper two-thirds of the vagina or to the tissue around the uterus.

Stage II is subdivided based on how far the cancer has spread.

EnlargeStage II cervical cancer; drawing shows two cross-sections of the uterus, cervix, and vagina. The drawing on the left shows stages IIA1 and IIA2 cancer in the cervix that is 4 cm and has spread to the upper two-thirds of the vagina. The drawing on the right shows stage IIB cancer that has spread from the cervix to the tissue around the uterus.
Stage II cervical cancer. In stages IIA1 and IIA2, cancer has spread from the cervix to the upper two-thirds of the vagina but has not spread to the tissue around the uterus. In stage IIA1, the cancer is 4 centimeters or smaller. In stage IIA2, the cancer is larger than 4 centimeters. In stage IIB, cancer has spread from the cervix to the tissue around the uterus.
  • Stage IIA: Cancer has spread from the cervix to the upper two-thirds of the vagina but has not spread to the tissue around the uterus. Stage IIA is further divided based on the size of the tumor:
    • Stage IIA1: The tumor is 4 centimeters or smaller.
    • Stage IIA2: The tumor is larger than 4 centimeters.
  • Stage IIB: Cancer has spread from the cervix to the tissue around the uterus.

Learn about treatment of stage II cervical cancer.

Learn about treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy.

Stage III cervical cancer

Stage IV cervical cancer

In stage IV, cervical cancer has spread beyond the pelvis, or has spread to the lining of the bladder or rectum, or has spread to other parts of the body.

Stage IV is subdivided into stages IVA and IVB, based on where the cancer has spread.

  • Stage IVA: Cancer has spread to nearby pelvic organs, such as the bladder or rectum.
    EnlargeStage IVA cervical cancer; drawing and inset show cancer that has spread from the cervix to the bladder and rectal wall.
    Stage IVA cervical cancer. Cancer has spread to nearby pelvic organs, such as the bladder or rectum.
  • Stage IVB: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, bones, or distant lymph nodes.
    EnlargeStage IVB cervical cancer; drawing shows other parts of the body where cervical cancer may spread, including the lymph nodes, lung, liver, and bone. An inset shows cancer cells spreading from the cervix, through the blood and lymph system, to another part of the body where metastatic cancer has formed.
    Stage IVB cervical cancer. Cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lung, liver, or bone.

Stage IV is also called metastatic cancer. Metastatic cancer happens when cancer cells travel through the lymphatic system or blood and form tumors in other parts of the body. The metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if cervical cancer spreads to the lung, the cancer cells in the lung are actually cervical cancer cells. The disease is called metastatic cervical cancer, not lung cancer. Learn more in Metastatic Cancer: When Cancer Spreads.

Learn about treatment options for stage IV cervical cancer.

Learn about treatment of cervical cancer during pregnancy.

Recurrent cervical cancer

Recurrent cervical cancer is cancer that has recurred (come back) after it has been treated. The cancer may come back in the cervix or as metastatic tumors in other parts of the body. Tests will be done to help determine where the cancer has returned in your body, if it has spread, and how far. The type of treatment that you have for recurrent cervical cancer will depend on how far it has spread.

Learn about treatment of recurrent cervical cancer.

Learn more in Recurrent Cancer: When Cancer Comes Back.

Information to help you cope and talk with your health care team is shared in this booklet: When Cancer Returns.


Source: https://www.cancer.gov/types/cervical/stages

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